
The Metrics Toolkit is a resource for researchers and evaluators that provides guidance for demonstrating and evaluating claims of research impact.  With the Toolkit you can quickly understand what a metric means, how it is calculated, and if it’s good match for your impact question. Link 


Useful Browser Button

Dear colleagues, for several days, as are working two useful buttons for browsers.

1. Button Google scholar, allows you to search full-text versions of publications by title and, also, it generate citation on this publication.

2. Unpaywall provides a  free, legal  fulltext version of the publication.

CiteScore metrics from Scopus – comprehensive, current and free metrics for source titles in Scopus. Link

The registry "Ukraine Scientists"

Available information array of  Ukrainian  Scientists, which  automatically generated and based on information from bibliographic descriptions abstracts of dissertations (candidates and doctors) since 1996, the list is automatically updated from  abstracts of dissertations which fund  in the Vernadsky National Library. Link

List of Ukrainian scientific periodical journals

On MES web-site avaliable List of Ukrainian scientific periodical journals Link. 

Resource Author Path

About the Company: Edanz was established in Japan in 1995, the main aim was to help the thousands of researchers around the world have successfully published in international journals.

Functionality overview: after a quick and simple registration you have the ability to distinguish scientific fields and areas of your SRW.  When working with Author Path you create so-called draft publications: the first phase you choose the industry and your desired deadline to reach publication.

In the second stage, according to your answers you will be asked a series of publications that you can choose to publish.

In the third stage, after a completed selection of publications, you start with a model of the article, whereby in this resource you work exclusively with online forms.  Once all forms are filled you can save paper format * .pdf, * .docx and/or send it to the editor.

Please note that if you realized that the issue does not suit you, you can perform an additional search for scientific publications.

This is only a brief overview, everyone will find a resource to:

Transliteration online

To perform transliteration we recommend to use online resources. One of them may be this resource Link

Web of Science Journals List

A list of journals that are in the database Web of Science, can be downloaded here


Search can be done either in paragraph 1 or  paragraph 2.

1. In the site there are three thematic lists of journals in PDF. The list is divided into three areas: 

  • Arts and Humanities Citation Index Source Publication (Humanities)
  • Science Citation Index Expanded Source Publication (science)
  • Social Science Citation Index Source Publication (Social Sciences)

2. By using the Link and searching directly in the browser or for Web of Science Core Collection using the link:

Scopus Source List

The list of journals which are in the Scopus database can be downloaded by clicking the link . You need to go to the "High-quality Data" section and click "Show more." You will be offered several versions of journal search in the Scopus database:


1. Click "Download the Source title list", you will be proposed to download current title list of journals, which are available in Scopus.

2. Click "Find a title on Scopus" or by following this Link, you will be able to work directly in the browser.

Scopus Discontinued Sources List

Dear Colleagues, please note that, probably, monthly published list of journals that have been excluded from Scopus database.

Download the complete list of publications which was excluded you can by following Link and clicking: «Scopus Discontinued Sources List». You will be proposed to download the file.

We remind you that before you send the publication to journal, check it in scientometric  databases of indexing and abstracting.